Multimedia Data Room

How to use?

  1. Seats in this area are not available for reserve.
  2. User can choose DVD which has public performance right or VOD (Video on Demand) and borrow it to watch in this area.
  3. User can choose DVD for watching at home and borrow it to bring to home.
  4. More information in 多媒體資料室使用規則



Location & Facilities

  Main Library
Seat Type (Number of people) 4
Number of Seats 7
Facilities 32" LED TV, Headphone, Blu-ray Disc Player*1, bluetooth connector(user need to bring bluetooth headphone by yourself)



Target of Service

THU students, fauclty, Retiree. 



Contact Us

Multimedia Data Room (Main Library)
04-23590121 #28714